Monday, October 15, 2012

Zoo Phonics and Popcorn Words

We have been working hard learning our letter names and their sounds.  Every day we practice our letters and their sounds using the Zoo-Phonics program.  If you are a parent you have probably caught your child singing this song once or twice when they get home from school.  Gabe, Lily and Kierstin did a great job singing the song and doing the motions for the class on Friday.  You can see their awesome moves in the video below.

In addition to working on our letter names and sounds, we have been learning new site words, or popcorn words as we call them because they pop up when we read and write, each week.  

The students put 'the' in sentences that describe fall.  They then created a fall scene using paint and Q-tips.

This was the cleanest paint project I've ever done.
No cleaning of paint brushes = a huge time saver.

Today we reviewed what a good friend is and how we can be good friends to each other.  The ideas on the anchor chart are just a few of the ideas the kids came up with.  Later today after our discussion about this, I heard Elliot say, "Joseph, you are so good at puzzles. I like working with you." I love hearing things like this and seeing our learning put into action.  Keep it up owl friends!

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