Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

I was reminded once again how blessed I am to work and live in Michigan.  I love where I live and I love that I was able to experience the beautiful fall season outside today with my students.

A light breeze filled the air and the warm sun shined down on us as we went to Nyboer's Pumpkin Patch today.  Thank you again to all of the moms who volunteered and came with us.  I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to come join us.  The students loved having you with us, too!

Once we got off the bus, we took a wagon ride around the pumpkin patch.

The students were able to pick a small pumpkin.

They also had a chance to pick two gourds. We learned about two types of gourds: spoon gourds and bowl gourds.  Both of which the Native Americans used to eat with. 

Levi and his gourds.

A few students showing off their gourds.

After we learned about the different types of corn, gourds and pumpkins we boarded the bus and headed back to school. It was a great day!

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