Monday, October 22, 2012

Investigating and Making Connections

Hello Owl Room Friends!
The students had the opportunity to do some investigating this week! We looked at different earth materials (pebbles, soil and sand) using microscopes, a balance and their 5 senses. After a little bit of investigating, we discovered that pebbles weigh more than soil and sand. We then planted pumpkin seeds in 3 containers, each containing a different earth material.  Each day we observe our samples to see if the pumpkins grow better in one earth material over the others. So far nothing has happened...

I love this picture of Noah relaxing in the reading nest. Doesn't he look comfy?  Now that is what I consider curling up with a good book.

I read the story, Wemberly Worried aloud this week.

After we read the story we made connections about the things Wemberly worries about and the things we worry about.  The students had so many great things to share and their artwork was very impressive!

We've been trying to remember the months of the year, when our birthdays are and how to read and write our first and last names.  Take a peak at this video of the kids singing the months of the year. They sit down when we sing their birthday month.  They love doing this and they're getting pretty good at it, too!

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