Thursday, October 11, 2012

It Feels Like Fall

We welcomed fall this week through a variety of different activities.  We went on a nature walk and collected leaves to look at under our microscopes in science, we ate pumpkin bread and we even painted fall trees using Q-tips and paint.  The students continue to build positive relationships with each other and their learning continues to amaze me.  Way to go owl friends!
I am so proud of all of you.

I read this story to the students and they thought it was so funny.  I remember loving these books when I was a kid, too.  

After we read the story, we practiced retelling what the old lady ate with these props.

One of our popcorn words this week was 'like'.  The students practiced writing and recognizing the word 'like' in variety of different ways.

Another one of our popcorn words this week was 'see'.  The students worked on building sentences using spaces between their words and using the site words we have been learning about. 

We started learning about pumpkins today.  Gabe pointed out to the class that both pumpkins and apples have seeds.  We then created a Venn diagram and had a discussion about how apples and pumpkins are both similar and different.  I love how Gabe started this discussion.

 After we learned about the life cycle of pumpkins and how they grow, we practiced organizing pumpkins on the Smart Board from smallest to largest. 

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