Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Party

We ended last week with our school's annual Penny Carnival and our classroom's Halloween party.  For those of you who don't know, the Penny Carnival is a fundraiser put on by the 5th grade students to raise money for 5th grade camp.  They have games and prizes for the younger students to play.  The only requirement is that the students have to pay a penny or two. Needless to say, it was a hoot! 

Thank you to my room moms, Amy and Lynette, for all the time and creative thinking you did to make our Halloween party a success!  The students and I had a great time. I am so grateful for all of the parents and grandparents that helped out and visited on Friday, as well.

We have been working on creating and extending patterns so the students made patterns with their snack on Friday.  They did a great job with this as you can see. 

This is the only class picture I managed to take on Friday - sorry it's a little blurry. The kids looked awesome though!

Julia getting her face painted at the Penny Carnival by a 5th grader.

Keagan playing the sucker game.

A few girls waiting in line during the Penny Carnival.  The 5th graders did a great job organizing and creating games for us to play.  The kindergarteners seemed to really enjoy it.

Jacob and Trevor in their costumes. Don't they look great?

One of the games my room moms planned for our party was a donut eating race.  The students LOVED watching and playing this.  Who wouldn't do anything for a donut? :)

Of course, I was an Owl for our Halloween party.  These are a few of the kindergarten teachers I get to work with every day.  They are wonderful and I am so glad I get to work with them!

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