Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Zoo Field Trip

Well, we had our last field trip of the school year on Monday.  We went to John Ball Zoo. There was a chance of rain all day but it held off and proved to be another sunny, warm day.

The kids were SO excited about this field trip.  The bus ride to the zoo was filled with questions and predictions from the kids about the animals and the exhibits.  This was probably my favorite part of the field trip. I just love their curiosity and excitement for life.

Thank you so much to all of the parent volunteers who helped lead small groups around the zoo.  It was so nice to have you join us and I appreciate all your help!


I kept walking through the penguin exhibit because it had air conditioning (and because I like penguins).  One of the times I walked through I caught the zoo keeper feeding the penguins. It was pretty cool!

They did such a great job walking around together in the heat.  

The lion was trying to keep cool in the shade.

I can always count on a silly picture with these kiddo's!

The bus ride back to school was much quieter than on the way there - I guess the zoo tired them out! 

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