Thursday, May 2, 2013

Worm Investigation

We continued our living and non-living science unit this week. This week's activities involved worms - yes, living worms! We investigated our worms and learned that they are alive because they breathe, move, eat and grow.

Before we looked and touched our worms we tried to move like a worm around the room.  We quickly realized that having no arms and legs makes you move a lot slower!

The students enjoyed using the microscopes to zoom in on the worms features.

Some of the students were very brave - daring to touch and hold the worms.

I think everyone named their worms.  Some of the names they came up with really had me laughing.  "Spike", "Princess".... one group decided to name their worms "Mr. DeYoung" and "Mrs. DeYoung".  I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not? :)


After we played with our worms and investigated them, we set them free outside.  We decided they would like to live in their natural habitat more than the small classroom container they came in

Since it was such a nice day outside, Mrs. Heyboer's class decided to meet up with us on the playground and play a game of Spaghetti and Meatballs. 

What a great day!

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