Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Hi Everyone! I haven't had the chance to post any pictures recently because I was having issues with my computer. My husband seems to have fixed the problem though!

Last week we learned about capacity, weight and measurement.  We learned what capacity means and decided that if we are really thirsty, we would want to drink a cup that is not only tall but wide, as well. The kids practiced measuring objects using blocks and cubes.  They learned what taller, shorter, wider and longer mean.

The kids enjoyed sorting groups of objects from tallest to shortest and vice versa on the Smart Board.

We compared our body height.  Some of  us are tall and some us are short.

I showed the class a water balloon and a regular balloon filled with air.  The students made predictions as to which balloon weighed more.  As you can see, most of the class thought the water balloon weighed more. After we put the balloons on the scale, we quickly figured out that the water balloon weighed more because that part of the scale went down so almost all of the predictions were right!

We will continue to learn about measurement and measure things around the room this week.

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