Sunday, December 2, 2012

Reading and Writing Stories

What a great week! It was wonderful to see my Owl friends again. I missed every one over our Thanksgiving break. I hope you enjoyed your holiday. I know I did!

We were able to make big strides this week during our reading and writing workshop time. 

The students and I have been reading books at our reading levels. Each day, we practice our 1:1 correspondence, stretching words we do not know and looking for picture clues to help us understand. 
The students and I even had a chance to practice reading quietly to ourselves around the room. I snapped a few pictures of the kids during this time to show you what a great job they are doing.

We also learned how to be authors and illustrators this week during our writing workshop time.  We practiced writing like scientists (ie: looking at, sorting, and describing objects). This week the students and I wrote a story about leaves. You can see this better by clicking on the video below. 

I'll post more about what we have been up to later. For now, I am off to bed. Good night!

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