Sunday, December 9, 2012

Let It Snow!

I would have to say that we definitely started getting into the winter spirit in the owl room this week.

We read this story by Barbara Joose and discussed what a snow day is and what the weather on a snow day looks like.  We learned about blizzards, sleet and ice.

After our discussion, we started to think about how much fun it would be to have a snow day. I shared with the class that I remember going sledding with my younger brother on snow days when I was little. We talked about how playing in the snow makes us feel cold and how drinking hot chocolate by the fire place is a great way to warm up. I remember doing this all the time when I was little so we brainstormed what we would do if we had a snow day this year at New Groningen. They had some great ideas. We wrote about them and made a snow man to hang in the hallway. If you're near our classroom you will have to check them out.

We've been working on listening to the ending sounds in words.  We even practiced our rhyming using the Smart Board.

My mom made holiday Play-Doh for our classroom.  The kids love the bright green and white sparkles. Thanks Mom! :)

The students were given green strips of paper and they had to arrange them from longest to shortest and create a Christmas tree. They turned out awesome!

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