Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a week! Since we do not have school next week due to P/T conferences, the students and I ended our week with a few Thanksgiving activities.  Take a peek and what we've been up to... 

We wrote a turkey poem using site words and our hand prints.  

I love how little their hands are! 

We made turkeys that help us count to 100 by tens.   

We took some time to think of things that we are thankful for. Our list ranged from dolls to brothers. It was so much fun to hear the kids share the things that are special and important to them. After we wrote about these things we took some time to share them together.

She is thankful for her mom, dad, cat and brother.

She is thankful for her house and her sister.

He is thankful for his mom and his dad.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Enjoy the special holiday with those that are important to you. This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for. Here a few things that come to mind:
-My wonderful and supportive husband, Andrew
-My loving family
-My amazing job that I love more and more every day
-My brilliant students who amaze me by their curiousity and love for life
-My co-workers who are both encouraging and inspiring

I hope you all have a blessed holiday!
If you're a parent of one of my students, I look forward to seeing you at conferences. We have so much progress to celebrate together.

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