Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pumpkin Centers

Since we had our Halloween Party after the Penny Carnival on October 26th we celebrated October 31st with a pumpkin themed afternoon.

Several parents and grandparents came in to our classroom to help me with our pumpkin themed centers.  Thank you so much to all of you who helped! I appreciate your patience and energy while working with the students and I.  We loved having you with us!

One of the centers required the students to measure the height and width of their pumpkin using unifex cubes.   

 It was fun to see the students make observations and compare the different pumpkins.
At another center, the students looked inside of a pumpkin and predicted how many seeds there were.  I bought a little pumpkin thinking that there wouldn't be very many seeds inside but I'm pretty sure that little pumpkins have way more seeds than big pumpkins.  I was surprised to see that there were so many seeds inside!
Does anyone know if this is true? :)

The students also predicted if the pumpkins would sink or float in water.  Some of the students guessed right but most of the class was surprised to see that the pumpkins floated in water!

Thanks again Owl Room family and friends! I appreciate all your help with the Penny Carnival, the Halloween Party and our Pumpkin Centers.  I couldn't have done any of these activities without your help. I know your lives are busy but I want you to know that I appreciate all you do for your child and our classroom on a daily basis. Enjoy the long weekend - I know I will!

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