Monday, November 12, 2012

Sharing and Counting

We have been working on counting to 100 by 1's, 5's and 10's.  So far, the students are doing a fabulous job! We have also been working on our concepts about print skills. Last week we focused on using our pointer fingers as we read.  We continue to work on  our one-to-one correspondence by putting our pointer fingers below each word as we read them.  I decided to combine these activities together by having the students count aloud, pointing to one number at a time.  Check out the video below.

The students are counting by 1's to 100 - they are getting pretty good at it! Sorry the video is crooked. I must have turned my camera without realizing it. I hope it doesn't make you too dizzy.

We practiced sharing some of the stories we are working on during our writing workshop time as well.  The students have been doing such a great job on their sketching, labeling and writing sentences that I wanted to give the class an opportunity to share their work and listen to each other's stories.

Keagan volunteered to read his story.  As you can see, he is off to a great start!

Keep it up my Owl Room friends! You are all incredible and I am so thankful for all of you.

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