Monday, September 24, 2012

Yellow Labs and Humpty Dumpty

I know I've said it before, but my little owl students continue to impress me.   This morning, we learned about the letter 'R r'. Throughout the day the students would say, "Mrs. DeYoung, my dad's name has the letter 'R' in it", "Hey, there is an 'R' in September".  It may seem small but I love the way that they continue to make connections and learn about the world around them.

Last week we learned that addition means putting things together and subtraction means taking things apart. After I modeled how these yellow chips can represent addition and subtraction, Brady volunteered to show us an example of subtraction.  You can't see it in the video, but everything Brady is doing on the document camera was projected onto the Smart Board for the whole class to see.  Brady came up with this example of subtracting yellow lab's on his own. Way to go Brady!

After our scavenger hunt around the classroom searching for circles, rectangles and squares, the students sorted a pile of shapes independently.

We have been learning about the letters "Bb" and "Rr". During one of our literacy centers, the students sorted these lowercase letters.

We've been working on writing our names with a capital letter in the front and lowercase letters in the middle and end.  We've also been working on making our names sit on a line and forming our letters from top to bottom. At this literacy center, the students were cutting, pasting, rainbow tracing and writing their first names.

Last week we spent some time reading Humpty Dumpty and retelling what happened with props (ie: my younger sister's My Little Pony dolls, Ken dolls and Lego's - thanks Maryanah!). Needless to say, the kids really seemed to enjoy it!

Noah did a great job making his Humpty Dumpty craft.

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