Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our First Days Together

We had a great first week together. Check out some of the things we have been doing in the Owl Room.

After reading The Kissing Hand we talked about how we were feeling on the first day of school. Please ignore the shape of the hand on the anchor chart - clearly I am not an artist!
After talking about our first day feelings we read this poem and painted our hands.
Throughout the week the students had the opportunity to explore some of the centers we have around the classroom. The girls in the home living center were busy "cooking" as you can see here.

The kids did a great job building blocks and sharing materials together.

Relaxing with a good book in the reading nest. The students have been learning how to look at the words and pictures on a page. They've also been learning how to pick out books that they are interested in.
Working on our fine motor skills in the writing center. The students above are coloring a picture of their first day of school.
Building shapes, sharing and taking turns with the Play-Doh. Who doesn't love Play-Doh?!
One of the things we learned this week is the importance of cleaning up after ourselves. After reading Max Cleans Up we practiced writing our names in shaving cream and cleaning up after ourselves. This was good practice because we all know shaving cream on 25 desks can be messy!

Writing their names.

Getting our fingers messy.

Ta-Dah! We know how to clean up! Now you can have your child clear the table at home (parents) because they should remember how.

 Investigating our names and discovering how many letters we have in our first names. Brooklyn and Kierstin had the most!

1 comment:

  1. This is so great! I bet they all love coming to school :)
