Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Working Hard

Today, during our calendar time it hit me that we are over half way through September. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by! These are some of the activities we have been working on over the past few days.

The students have been learning about one-to-one correspondence in math. We have been implementing this during our snack time, too. Kylie did a great job counting out her pretzels here. She almost had enough to finish the page.

We have been learning our Zoo-Phonics letters and finding the "twin" or the matching uppercase and lower case letters. During center time, some of the students had the chance to make letters with Play-doh.

We've also been learning songs and chants. Hickory Dickory Dock has been stuck in my head all day today. Yesterday we practiced singing "Happy Birthday" with our names in the song. The students were able to practice following along with their pointer finger and recognizing their names in the song.

Julia did a great job coloring her picture I just had to show you!

I'm so proud of them. Look how hard they're working. Way to go Owl Room!

Today was the first day the students worked in pairs. They were assigned as Peanut Butter and Jelly partners. Together, each pair had to sort through a bag of letters and find the "twin" letters or matching upper and lowercase letters.

Throughout the day we take brain breaks or sensory breaks where we take a few minutes to put whatever we are working on aside and move our bodies. This helps us re-focus and it helps us re-energize for the rest of the day. This week I introduced the video/song "If You're a Kid" by Harry Kindergarten to the class. It requires active listening and following directions but the students LOVED it. Check out the song by clicking on the link below: 

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