Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Impact

We have some cool things going on in and around New Groningen this month and I am excited to share them with you. The children, staff and families of  NG believe in serving and impacting others in a positive way. If you click on the link below and read the document created by the March Impact Committee at NG, it may enlighten you more on our school's mission and passion for impacting others.

Yesterday was the first day of March so we had a K-5 assembly to kick off March Impact and explain this concept to the kids.  If you read the above document, you already know that Mrs. Nelson, one of the teachers at NG, is in the process of adopting and bringing home her little blessing from Ghana.  Throughout Mrs. Nelson's adoption process, her heart has been touched.  You see, like many orphanages around the world, this particular orphanage does all it can to provide care for orphans but lacks many resources due to expenses.  As a school family and community, we were able to help provide chairs and tables to this orphanage earlier in the year. Our next step is to provide plates and bowls for the children to eat with.  If you click on the link below you can see a PowerPoint with more pictures and information about the orphanage.

My students and so many others were fired up by this assembly.  I was told that a 4th grade student went right up to Mrs. Nelson and gave her the money from her pocket for the orphans in Ghana. When we returned to our classroom, my class and I talked about March Impact more and the students had SO many great ideas of how they can impact others.  From bringing in money for the orphanage to making a card for a grandma in a nursing home.  The children reminded me of the importance of impacting others not just in March, but every month of the year. I love moments like these when my cute little kindergarteners remind me what really is important in life .

If you are reading this and not associated with NG elementary school but want to help Mrs. Nelson and the Offin Children's Centre Orphanage in Ghana you can find her blog and more information here:

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope you feel as fired up about impacting others this month as my students and I do! I want to leave you with one question: How can you impact others this month? 

Have a great weekend! :)

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