Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Today would be Dr. Seuss' 109th birthday! Since today is Saturday, we celebrated Dr. Seuss yesterday.  We read Bartholomew and the Oobleck.  When we finished reading I gave each of the students a bag of their own Oobleck.  (Thank you mom for making it - she seriously is the best!)  The kids used their 5 senses to write about the Oobleck and even had time to use their imaginations and create a sculpture with it.

We also read Dr. Seuss' "I Will Read" poem (after all - March is reading month). The kids and I read a shortened version of the poem together.  After we read the poem, I gave them all of the words but they were mixed up.  The students had to unscramble the words and put them in the correct order so the poem made sense.  This was tough but they did a great job!

Later, our 5th grade buddies came to visit so we read our "I Will Read" poem to them.  I think they were impressed by our reading. The 5th graders helped us make hats just like Cat in the Hat's.  We even wrote 'at' words on them together.  After our hats were made, the 5th graders read Dr. Seuss books with us.  

It was a great day!

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