Thursday, February 7, 2013

When 2 vowels go walking...

Hello everyone!What a crazy few weeks it has been with all of this snow and our snow days. I hope you have been enjoying the beauty of it all.  We have been working on our vowels lately. We know that every word has a vowel in it and we have been learning that when more than one vowel is in a word it can change the sound that it makes. Last week we spent some time talking about 'magic e' and this week we have been looking at what happens when two vowels are next to each other. 

I showed the kids this video to help them understand this concept a little bit better:
When 2 Vowels Go Walking

The kids practiced acting this out with different words.

We have been working hard on our Clay-22/Popcorn words as well.  The students who have mastered recognizing these words earned a bag of popcorn! If your child hasn't mastered the word list yet, keep practicing at home. They are so close!

We played syllable bingo this week.  The kids worked with their Peanut Butter and Jelly partner to clap out how many syllables there are in words.  The first partner to fill their board won!

A couple of the boys playing syllable bingo.

This week we practiced recognizing the partners for numbers 1-7.  In other words, what numbers can we put together (add) to get 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.  The students practiced making up their own story problems and drawing the equation to match on the SmartBoard.

Last week we learned about maps and where we live and this week we have been learning about the American Flag.  The students and I spent some time talking about what it is, stands for and the characteristics about it.  The students created their own American Flags and we even learned the Pledge of Allegiance.  

I am so proud and thankful for all of my owl friends.  The kids continue to learn and grow and it is so much fun to celebrate this with you!

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