Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Snow Day!

Well, there's nothing like a snow day (or should I say 'ice day'?) on a Monday! I've been relaxing in my comfy clothes all day. I'm glad the weather is shaping up though because we have an exciting week ahead of us in the owl room. We will be celebrating Valentine's day on Thursday and our 100th day of school on Friday. We have been counting our days in school, almost every day since the beginning of the year, so Friday will be an exciting day for the kids.

 Last Friday we celebrated hibernation and learned about the difference between hibernate and migrate.  The kids wore their pajamas to school and I was so disappointed in myself because they looked adorable and I forgot to take a picture - sorry! Just imagine a bunch of 5-6 year olds wearing soft, princess and super hero printed flannel pajamas that clung to their bodies.  It made learning about hibernation more meaningful. Some of the students thought it would be fun to sleep all winter but when I told them they would have to miss Christmas, they changed their minds. :)  

The students practiced building equations that create teen numbers last week, as well.  We watched this video clip  to remind us how we can recognize teen numbers:

Numbers in the Teens

The kids were able to discover that teen numbers have the number '1' in the front of them because all teen numbers have one group of ten in them.  They also learned that teen numbers contain groups of five, as well.  It was fun to see them make this connection.

We worked on finding partners for numbers, too.  It's hard to tell in the picture, but the students were given a baggy full of colored disks, a note card, a pencil and a dice.  With their PB&J partner, the students rolled the dice, looked at the number facing up and tried to create as many partners as they could for that number.  They even wrote the equation down on the note card using the + and = sign. During this time, we discovered reversals, or partners that are the same numbers in a different order. For example, 3+1=4 and 1+3=4 are reversal partners.  

I love working with my owl friends and seeing their growth each day. I hope you are enjoying your Monday. See you tomorrow!

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