Friday, April 5, 2013

How-To Blow a Bubble

Happy Spring Break! I hope you have had a great week so far wherever you are.

 Just before break started our classroom finished up our How-To writing unit.  This was a very fun unit to teach.  The students and I thought about things we know how to do very well (ex: walk a dog, make a pizza, get ready for recess, etc.) We then picked three activities and created a scaffold of each step needed for each activity.  The students created How-To stories about each of their activities.  Their stories included a title, cover, illustrations and all of the steps written in complete sentences.  One of the things we focused on in this unit was the use of transition words (ex: first, next, then, and last).

Since Thursday was our last day together before break, I decided we needed a fun way to wrap up our How-To writing unit.  After brainstorming ideas and looking on, I decided Thursday's activity would consist of bubblegum, glue sticks and construction paper.  That's right - I gave 25 kindergarten students a piece of bubblegum and taught them how to blow a bubble with it.  It was actually kind of hilarious!

We had a great time with this activity and we were able to create a scaffold of the steps of How-To blow a bubble.  The kids did a great job with it and the self-portraits they created with the construction paper and glue turned out awesome!

I hung their work up in our classroom so if you have the chance to stop in you should definitely check it out!

Enjoy the rest of your break! I look forward to seeing my kindergarten friends at school on Monday!

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