Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, this is one of the end of the year gifts I was given this week:

The book is filled with pictures of the kids and notes about their favorite memories as well as gift cards to some of my favorite places! Amazing huh?

Thank you SO much to Lynette Bell for putting my photo book gift together and thank you to everyone who helped make it possible! I love it SOOOO much. I keep looking at it and showing it to people because I think it is so sweet.  I really appreciate all the gift cards and separate gifts many of you have given, as well. I feel beyond blessed to have worked with such thoughtful and supportive families! I am going to miss each one of you and your children over the summer! I look forward to seeing you all around the halls of NG in the fall though. Thanks again and have a great summer!

With Love, 
Mrs. Maggie DeYoung

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