Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Owl Room

I am excited to announce that my Owl classroom is officially ready for students! Hooooo-Ray!
Our kindergarten orientation/open house is tomorrow night so I thought it would be fun to show you how my classroom looked when I first got my keys in July and how it looks today.
This is what my classroom looked like when you first walked through the door. Everything is so little. I love it!

While I was SUPER excited to get the keys to my OWN classroom this was a little overwhelming to walk into... so much stuff everywhere!

This was my desk and tech. cart area.

Book shelves, storage tubs and boxes.

Tables and more bare bulletin boards.
The back of my room. I am so grateful for the cabinet storage and counter space.
 I also have a back door which opens to the playground. This door was very helpful to use this summer as our building has been under construction.

Okay, so this is what my classroom looks like NOW!
(Drum roll....)
I'm sure things will move around throughout the year but I would like to say, "Welcome"!
This is my classroom door. The owls have googly eyes but you can't tell very well in the picture.

This is what my classroom looks like when you enter.
Just to warn you... it is very bright and colorful!

Student mailboxes and our 'Warm Fuzzy Jar'.

My desk area, word wall and bulletin board for student work.

Interactive Smart Board and calendar area.

My table for guided reading, small group work and the student reading area.

'The Reading Nest' where my students can read books at their interest and ability.
 My mom made the owl pillows. Isn't she talented?

Interactive play area, writing center and part of the reading area.

This is more of the interactive play area,
Outstanding Wise Learner (O.W.L.) Of The Week bulletin board
and classroom jobs bulletin board.

The bathrooms, storage area and sand table. Did I mention how much I love these cabinets? Because I do!

A view of my room looking at it from the back door.

I am anxious for school to begin and for my classroom to be filled with little 5 and 6 year old bodies.
Meeting my kindergarteners and their families tomorrow will be a 'hoot'!
Thanks for 'flying' by!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...I want to go back to kindergarten here lol. You did such a good job decorating!
