Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Happy Spring Break!

We celebrated our last day of school before Spring Break with so many fun activities. It was the NG Rocking Reading Marathon day so we had a guest reader come in; Mrs. Becky! We also had our classroom store, recipe and ended the day with the 5th graders playing some of the staff in a basketball game. The change in routine was a little tricky for a few of our friends but they did a great job, overall! I hope you all enjoy your Spring Break, wherever you are!

Ely "rocked out" with some of the teachers when he got off the bus.

Dirk gave us all a good laugh with this shirt! 

Ava helped cheer Emily on at the basketball game. Emily was so nervous but did great and made a basket for her team!

I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, April 8!

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Horseback Riding!

Well, we were FINALLY able to begin our Therapeutic Horseback Riding lessons at Renew Riding Center this week. We have had to reschedule the past 4 sessions due to snow days/2-hour delays. The kids were SO excited to meet their horse and ride. The students learned how to get on and off their horses safely. They also learned two commands: "Walk On" which makes the horse go and "Woah" which makes the horse stop.

We look forward to our next session on Wednesday!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Lunar Eclipse

Our News-2-You topic this week was all about the Lunar Eclipse, which takes place tonight after 8 PM!

We learned all about the earth's rotation, the sun and the moon. We were able to connect this to the number of hours in a day, months of the year and our seasons. 

Each student wrote a short story detailing all that they learned and we even made moon cookies by following our weekly recipe. 

This week's topic definitely deserves a "thumbs up"!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, this is one of the end of the year gifts I was given this week:

The book is filled with pictures of the kids and notes about their favorite memories as well as gift cards to some of my favorite places! Amazing huh?

Thank you SO much to Lynette Bell for putting my photo book gift together and thank you to everyone who helped make it possible! I love it SOOOO much. I keep looking at it and showing it to people because I think it is so sweet.  I really appreciate all the gift cards and separate gifts many of you have given, as well. I feel beyond blessed to have worked with such thoughtful and supportive families! I am going to miss each one of you and your children over the summer! I look forward to seeing you all around the halls of NG in the fall though. Thanks again and have a great summer!

With Love, 
Mrs. Maggie DeYoung

Just Dance

We had a little fun dancing today.  We practiced following directions and moved around the room to this popular One Direction song.  The kids want to have a dance off with the Turtle room tomorrow so we will see what happens (I think we have better moves, but I may be a little biased)! You'll have to ask them to show off their moves for you at home! :)

Favorite Memories and Bucket List

I can't believe this is our last week of school together. We spent some time reflecting on our year together. The kids wrote about their favorite memories in kindergarten.

We also made summer bucket lists.

Isn't their writing impressive? I am so proud of their hard work!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Cha Cha Slide

We all need some breaks from the normal routine, especially these last few days of school.  I came across a dance on for kids that is basically the Cha Cha Slide. You've probably danced to it at a wedding before.  Anyways, we learned it today and it really does help the kids with their directional skills. Here is a video of the kids dancing ... some of them have some pretty good moves! I thought it was cute so I just had to share it with you. Enjoy! :)